How you came to meth addiction and how you react to the drug is unique to you. That means withdrawal symptoms, while they may follow the generalities above overall, are also going to be slightly different for you than they are for anyone else. Shadow Mountain Recovery is a modern, innovative healthcare organization offering a path to recovery to those suffering with substance use and mental health disorders. The NIDA reports some of the effects on the brain from chronic meth misuse appear to be at least partially reversible, but it can take over a year or more to reach recovery from meth. We will first discuss the withdrawal symptoms that happen when meth is reduced or stopped as well as the time period in which these withdrawal symptoms happen. You’ll definitely want to consider consulting a medical professional first if you also intend to stop using other substances you’ve been mixing with meth.

Unfortunately, while medications like this exist for other drugs (opioid pain medications, for example), there are no FDA-approved prescriptions for stimulants like methamphetamine. The FHE Health team is committed to providing accurate information that adheres to the highest standards of writing. If one of our articles is marked with a ‘reviewed for accuracy and expertise’ badge, it indicates that one or more members of our team of doctors and clinicians have reviewed the article further to ensure accuracy.

What You Need to Know About Meth Withdrawal

Psychotic symptoms, memory problems, and cognitive and emotional issues can persist for several years after stopping meth use, NIDA further warns. While some of the damage to the brain may be reversible with long-term abstinence from meth, some of the changes may be permanent. Once you’re through the height of the physical symptoms, making sure you stay busy can help you get through the rest of your comedown. Having plans with friends or colleagues can take your mind off the discomfort you are experiencing. Alternatively, allowing yourself to feel bored may bring on a craving—so if you’re keeping your mind stimulated with other people or activities, you are less likely to think about, crave or want to return to using.

how long to recover from meth

We have facilities across the U.S. offer a full continuum of care, custom treatment plans, and comprehensive discharge plans to aid in the success of your recovery. The overall percentage of meth recovery is low, and the percent that does not recover is also high. This may cause an addict to feel that their normal feeling of euphoria is gone. Not only is the feeling of joy gone, but the addict may also experience extreme depression, emptiness, and even suicidal thoughts. Seeking help for addiction may feel daunting or even scary, but several organizations can provide support.

Timeline of Crystal Meth Withdrawal

The use of methamphetamines has increasingly become a problem among the general population because the drug is easy to buy and is made from relatively cheap products. Along the same lines, once methamphetamine is taken, it is very hard to stop further use. This is because the drug is highly addictive due to its influence on dopamine production in the body and the long-lasting euphoric high it provides.

  • During these days, you may have intense cravings for the drug since your body is not used to going without the substance.
  • Some people may safely tolerate meth withdrawal without medical supervision or intervention.
  • While some of the damage to the brain may be reversible with long-term abstinence from meth, some of the changes may be permanent.
  • Meth has long lasting effects, and some tests can detect it for up to 3 months following use.

Since there are no approved medications for meth dependence, treatment during medical detox is supportive. Addiction specialists may instead use medication to provide relief of withdrawal symptoms from meth. Treatment may ease the mood symptoms and prevent short-term physical symptoms like tremors, nausea or vomiting.

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If you or a loved one are addicted to meth, it’s important to seek treatment immediately. There are evidence-based treatments that can help you live a drug-free life. Its effects are similar to those of other stimulant drugs, such as cocaine. Since the effects of the drug start and fade quickly, people often take repeated doses in what is known as a binge and crash pattern. In fact, some people go on a "run," which involves bingeing on the drug every few hours for several days at a time, without food or sleep.

This pattern of abuse can more quickly lead to drug dependence and addiction. It is a dangerous and highly addictive drug that can cause serious short-and long-term The Most Common Causes Of Bruising After Drinking Alcohol Nervous System Disorders and Diseases medical answers Body & Health Conditions center health complications, including overdose. In addition, since it is so powerful, even small amounts of meth can quickly result in physical dependence and addiction.

What Meth Recovery Is Like

A typical inpatient program generally requires you to reside in a rehab facility during treatment. During this time, participants attend daily therapy, counseling, and education sessions. These basic treatment methods help participants learn more about addiction as well as learn methods and techniques to overcome it.

  • In outpatient treatment, you or your loved one has the opportunity to continue therapy but return to the comfort of home each night and enjoy the familiarity of nearby family and friends.
  • Crystal meth is not typically treated specifically with medications.
  • Our recovery programs are based on decades of research to deliver treatment that really works.

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